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Gives you the ability to talk to HTTP(s) web and API servers using apisauce which is a thin wrapper around axios.

You can access these tools on the Gluegun toolbox, via const { http } = require('gluegun'), or directly via const { http } = require('gluegun/http').


This creates an apisauce client. It takes 1 parameter called options which is an object.

const api = toolbox.http.create({
baseURL: '',
headers: { Accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json' },

Once you have this api object, you can then call HTTP verbs on it. All verbs are async so don't forget your await call.

// GET
const { ok, data } = await api.get('/repos/skellock/apisauce/commits')

// and others
api.delete('/users/69')'/todos', { note: 'jump around' }, { headers: { 'x-ray': 'machine' } })
api.patch('/servers/1', { live: false })
api.put('/servers/1', { live: true })