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Prompt allows you to ask the user for input.

You can access these tools on the Gluegun toolbox, via const { prompt } = require('gluegun'), or directly via const { prompt } = require('gluegun/prompt').


This is powered by enquirer (2.x).

This is an async function.


// text input
const askAge = { type: 'input', name: 'age', message: 'How old are you?' }

// multiple choice
const askShoe = {
type: 'select',
name: 'shoe',
message: 'What shoes are you wearing?',
choices: ['Clown', 'Other'],

// ask a series of questions
const questions = [askAge, askShoe]
const { age, shoe } = await toolbox.prompt.ask(questions)

Note: to see a full list of examples, scroll to the bottom.

Important: in order to preserve backwards compatibility with Enquirer 1.x, we translate type: 'list' to type: 'select'. If you want to use the new list behavior, please use enquirer directly and not through Gluegun.


This is an async function.

A pre-built prompt which asks a yes or no question.


  • message is a string required for displaying a message to user. It's the question you're asking.
  • (optional) initial is a boolean for setting which answer is the default. true for Yes, false for No. Defaults to false.


true or false


const isThe90s = await toolbox.prompt.confirm('Ya`ll ready for this?')


Returns a separator you can use in your multiple choice prompts. It will draw a nice -------- line and will not be able to be selected by the user.


  • none


A value only relevant for use in a multiple choice prompt.


const choices = ['red', 'green', toolbox.prompt.separator(), 'cheese', 'bread']

Kitchen Sink Example

Try running gluegun kitchen to see what these look like.

import { prompt, GluegunToolbox } from 'gluegun'

module.exports = {
name: 'kitchen',
description: 'Runs through a kitchen sink of Gluegun tools',
run: async (toolbox: GluegunToolbox) => {
const { print } = toolbox

const result = await prompt.ask([
type: 'select',
name: 'exselect',
message: 'What shoes are you wearing?',
choices: ['Clown', 'Other'],
type: 'confirm',
name: 'exconfirm',
message: 'Are you sure?',
type: 'multiselect',
name: 'exmultiselect',
message: 'What are your favorite colors?',
choices: ['red', 'blue', 'yellow'],
type: 'select',
name: 'exselect',
message: 'What is your favorite team?',
choices: ['Jazz', 'Trail Blazers', 'Lakers', 'Warriors'],
type: 'multiselect',
name: 'exmultiselect',
message: 'What are your favorite months?',
choices: ['January', 'July', 'September', 'November'],
type: 'password',
name: 'expassword',
message: 'Enter a fake password',
type: 'input',
name: 'exinput',
message: 'What is your middle name?',
type: 'autocomplete',
name: 'exautocomplete',
message: 'State?',
choices: ['Oregon', 'Washington', 'California'],
// You can leave this off unless you want to customize behavior
suggest(s, choices) {
return choices.filter((choice) => {
return choice.message.toLowerCase().startsWith(s.toLowerCase())
