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There are various options you can provide to the face detector to customize its behavior. Here's an example of what's possible:

import {
} from "@infinitered/react-native-mlkit-face-detection";

const CUSTOM_OPTIONS: RNMLKitFaceDetectorOptions = {
performanceMode: "accurate", //
landmarkMode: true,
classificationMode: true,
minFaceSize: 0.01,
isTrackingEnabled: true,

function App() {
return (
<FaceDetectionProvider options={CUSTOM_OPTIONS}>
{/* rest of your app goes here */}

Available Options

Options for the face detector.

performanceModeThe performance mode for the detector. Determines the trade-off between speed and accuracy. Use 'fast' for real-time applications where speed is critical, and 'accurate' for applications where higher accuracy is desired at the expense of speed.'fast' | 'accurate'fast
landmarkModeIndicates if landmark detection should be enabled.boolean | nullnull
contourModeIndicates if contour detection should be enabled.boolean | nullnull
classificationModeIndicates if classification mode should be enabled.boolean | nullnull
minFaceSizeMinimum size of the face for detection.number | nullnull
isTrackingEnabledIndicates if tracking should be enabled for detected faces.boolean | nullnull