Represents the result of the face detection process, containing an array of detected faces, a success flag, any potential errors, and the path to the image.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
faces | Array of detected faces. | RNMLKitFace[] | - |
success | Indicates if the face detection was successful. | boolean | - |
error | Any potential errors during detection. | string | null | null |
imagePath | Path to the image being processed. | string | - |
Details of each detected face, including frame, landmarks, contours, and various other properties.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
frame | Frame detailing the position and size of the detected face. | {origin: {x, y}, size:{x, y} | - |
landmarks | Array of landmarks on the face. | RNMLKitFaceLandmark[] | - |
contours | Array of contours on the face. | RNMLKitFaceContour[] | - |
hasTrackingID | Indicates if the face has a tracking ID. | boolean | - |
trackingID | The tracking ID of the face, if available. | number | null | null |
hasHeadEulerAngleX | Indicates if the head Euler angle X is available. | boolean | - |
headEulerAngleX | The head Euler angle X of the face, if available. | number | null | null |
hasHeadEulerAngleY | Indicates if the head Euler angle Y is available. | boolean | - |
headEulerAngleY | The head Euler angle Y of the face, if available. | number | null | null |
hasHeadEulerAngleZ | Indicates if the head Euler angle Z is available. | boolean | - |
headEulerAngleZ | The head Euler angle Z of the face, if available. | number | null | null |
hasSmilingProbability | Indicates if the smiling probability is available. | boolean | - |
smilingProbability | The smiling probability of the face, if available. | number | null | null |
hasLeftEyeOpenProbability | Indicates if the left eye open probability is available. | boolean | - |
leftEyeOpenProbability | The left eye open probability of the face, if available. | number | null | null |
hasRightEyeOpenProbability | Indicates if the right eye open probability is available. | boolean | - |
rightEyeOpenProbability | The right eye open probability of the face, if available. | number | null | null |
Types of landmarks that can be detected on a face.
Landmark |
leftEye |
leftMouth |
leftEar |
noseBase |
leftCheek |
rightEye |
rightMouth |
rightEar |
rightCheek |
bottomMouth |
leftEarTip |
rightEarTip |
Specific landmarks detected on a face.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
type | Type of the landmark. | FaceLandmarkType | - |
position | Position of the landmark on the face. | {x, y} | - |
Specific contours detected on a face.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
type | Type of the contour. | FaceContourType | - |
points | Array of points representing the contour on the face. | Array<{x: number, y: number}> | null | null |
Types of contours that can be detected on a face.
Contour |
faceOval |
leftEyebrowTop |
leftEyebrowBottom |
rightEyebrowTop |
rightEyebrowBottom |
leftEye |
rightEye |
upperLipTop |
upperLipBottom |
lowerLipTop |
lowerLipBottom |
noseBridge |
noseBottom |
leftCheekCenter |
rightCheekCenter |
Options for the face detector.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
performanceMode | The performance mode for the detector. | string | - |
landmarkMode | Indicates if landmark detection should be enabled. | boolean | null | null |
contourMode | Indicates if contour detection should be enabled. | boolean | null | null |
classificationMode | Indicates if classification mode should be enabled. | boolean | null | null |
minFaceSize | Minimum size of the face for detection. | number | null | null |
isTrackingEnabled | Indicates if tracking should be enabled for detected faces. | boolean | null | null |
The possible states of the face detection process.
State | Description |
init | Initial state before detector initialization |
modelLoading | ML model is currently being loaded |
ready | Detector is initialized and ready |
detecting | Currently processing an image |
done | Detection completed successfully |
error | An error occurred during detection |