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Object Detection

Getting Started

This is an expo module that lets you use the MLKit Object Detection library in your Expo app.


Install like any other npm package:

yarn add @infinitered/react-native-mlkit-object-detection

npm install @infinitered/react-native-mlkit-object-detection

Basic Usage

1. Set up the model context provider

Use the useObjectDetectionModels hook to fetch an ObjectDetectionModelContextProvider. This will make the models available via React context.

// App.tsx

import {
} from "@infinitered/react-native-mlkit-object-detection";

// For descriptions of options for default models see link below this snipped.
function App() {
// fetch the provider component from the hook
const { ObjectDetectionModelContextProvider } = useObjectDetectionModels({
loadDefaultModel: true,
defaultModelOptions: {
shouldEnableMultipleObjects: true,
shouldEnableClassification: true,
detectorMode: "singleImage",

return (
{/* Rest of your app */}

2. Fetch the model using the useObjectDetectionModel hook, and use it to detect objects in an image

Models can be quite large, take a while to load and can consume a lot of memory. You should consider where in your app's lifecycle you load the model.

// MyComponent.tsx

import {
} from "@infinitered/react-native-mlkit-object-detection";
import { useEffect } from "react";

function MyComponent() {
// fetch the model from the hook, if you don't pass a model name it will fetch the default MLKit Object Detection model
const { model } = useObjectDetector();

const [modelLoaded, setModelLoaded] = useState(model?.isLoaded() ?? false);

// Models must be loaded before they can be used. This can be slow, and consume
// a lot of resources so consider carefully where and when to load the model
useEffect(() => {
// Loading models is done asynchronously, so in a useEffect we need to wrap it in an async function
async function loadModel() {
if (!model || modelIsLoaded) return;
// load the model
await model.load();
// set the model loaded state to true

}, [model, modelIsLoaded]);

// the output of the model is an array of `RNMLKitDetectedObject` objects
const [result, setResult] = useState<RNMLKitDetectedObject[]>([]);

useEffect(() => {
if (!modelLoaded) return;

// model.detectObjects is async, so when we use it in a useEffect, we need to wrap it in an async function
async function detectObjects(image: AssetRecord) {
const result = await model.detectObjects(image);

}, [model, modelLoaded]);

return <View>{JSON.stringify(result)}</View>;

To use a custom TFLite model for inference, see Using a Custom Model.