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Note: this is a document primarily intended for maintainers at Infinite Red.

High Level Overview

Git Tags

Git tags are used to mark a commit for a release. The format of the git tag is <workspace>@<version> (e.g. reactotron-app@3.0.0).

A release commit and a git tag is created for every affected workspace on a release branch: master, beta, or alpha.

Versions for a workspace are determined by the version in the workspace package.json.

"name": "reactotron-app",
"version": "3.0.0"

Would correspond to a git tag reactotron-app@3.0.0.

Release Branches

In CI, on every commit to a release branch, a task is run to determine what changed between the current commit and the last commit. If a workspace has changed, then a new release commit and tag will be added to the release branch.

So if 3 workspaces change, then 3 release commits are added to the release branch and 3 git tags are created.

Releasing Artifacts

When a new git tag is published, CI will build and publish the workspace artifacts for that tag.

As of writing this, we have two workspaces: apps and lib.

Artifacts from lib workspaces are published to npm.

Artifacts from app workspaces are published to GitHub releases.

How Releases Are Implemented

Releases are implemented using:

  • nx to manage workspaces and determine which workspaces have changed between commits
  • jscutlery/semver to bump package.json versions, create release commits, and create git tags
  • CircleCi to run the release tasks


nx has this concept of tasks, which are like npm scripts defined in a project.json file.

To be consistent in the jscutlery/semver docs, we have defined semantic release target task in the projects.json file as version.

This can be run with npx nx run <project>:version (e.g. npx nx run app:version).

However, normally this will be run using npx nx affected --target version --parallel=1 --base HEAD~1 --head HEAD. The affected command from nx will run the version task for the workspaces that have changed between the branches current commit and the last commit.


To determine the new version, jscutlery/semver will look at the git tags on the repo, and look for an existing tag <project>:<version> (e.g. app:1.0.0). If it finds one, it will increment the version number based on the existing git tags.

Settings for this plugin are managed using the nx.json and project.json files in a workspace.


CircleCi is used to run the release tasks. The config.yml file is located in the .circleci folder.

CircleCi is configured to check for whether new release commits and tags are needed on every commit to a release branch: master, beta, and alpha.

Once a new release tag is created, CircleCi will run a job to publish the artifacts for the workspace.