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Apisauce is a lightweight wrapper around the fantastic Axios networking library.

API Response


npm i --save-dev reactotron-apisauce
yarn add reactotron-apisauce -D


To use the apisauce plugin, add the additional plugin on the import line.

import apisaucePlugin from "reactotron-apisauce" //

Then plug it in when you configure Reactotron.

// ignoreContentTypes: /^(image)\/.\*$/i // <--- a way to skip printing the body of some requests (default is any image)
) // <-- here we go!!!


Next, wherever you create api functions for you application, bring in Reactotron and attach the monitor to your apisauce instance. Apisauce has a feature where you can attach a handler to watch.

  1. To view all requests/response flowing through your api
//for web
import Reactotron from "reactotron-react-js"

//for mobile
import Reactotron from "reactotron-react-native"

  1. To view only the requests/response that have a problem
//if you just wanted to track on 500's
api.addMonitor((response) => {
if (response.problem === "SERVER_ERROR") Reactotron.apisauce(response)