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Track Global Errors

The goal of this plugin is to ensure all errors are thrown over to Reactotron for display. Both reactotron-react-native and reactotron-react-js ship with this plugin.


To use the trackGlobalErrors plugin, add the additional plugin on the import line.

import Reactotron, { trackGlobalErrors } from "reactotron-react-native";


import Reactotron, { trackGlobalErrors } from "reactotron-react-js";

Next, add it as a plugin to Reactotron.

.use(trackGlobalErrors()) // <--- here we go!


Veto is function that allows you to select frames you would like to leave out of the stack trace.

For example, on React Native, you'd like to leave off any frames sourced from React Native itself

veto: (frame) =>
frame.fileName.indexOf("/node_modules/react-native/") >= 0,

veto is a function that takes an object and returns a boolean. true = ditch it. false = keep it.

The frame object passed into veto has these properties.

functionName:  the name of the function or null if an anonymous function
lineNumber: the line number of the error
columnNumber: the column number of the error
fileName: the name of the file

React JS Source Maps

Source maps for projects in webpack need to have the devtool set to source-map. On create-react-app based apps, they use eval, so this will not work. You will have to switch your development webpack configuration to support this.

You also have the option to not do source map lookups, but still pass errors along by going into offline mode.

offline: true,

How It Works Internally

React JS

It hijacks the browser's window.onerror event, immediately calling the previous onerror, then attempts to resolve the source of the errors via a source-map lookup. If successful, it throws a message over to Reactotron.

React Native

On React Native, it hooks NativeModules.LogBox.addException. This is an internal method that React Native uses internally to report errors to LogBox. It always calls the original function so it won't break anything internally. Your Red Box will still show.

Because we're hooking a Facebook internal function, this is a bit fragile. We'll stay on top of any React Native upgrades that might cause problems should the API change.