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Changesets, Versions, and Releases

Steps for Contribution and Release

As this is a monorepo with many packages that depend on one another, we use an automated system to manage versioning and releases.

The good news is most of this is automated for you! here is a quick overview of the process:

  1. Make Changes: Implement your feature or bug fix in your branch.
  2. Include a Changeset: Necessary for all changes requiring a version bump. Run yarn changeset to generate one.
  3. Open a PR against main: Automated tests and builds will verify your changes.
  4. Merge the PR: Via GitHub Actions changesets checks for version bumps and automatically creates a "Version Packages" PR against main
  5. Merging the "Version Packages" PR to Publish Packages: Merging the Version Packages PR triggers our automated NPM publishing process.

Using Changesets

Changesets is a tool we use to manage versioning and changelogs in our monorepo efficiently. It allows us to track changes to the packages, ensuring that when we release updates, all dependent packages are versioned correctly, and their changelogs are updated appropriately.

Getting Started with Changesets

When you open a PR with a change or a new feature that you believe should trigger a version update of a package (or packages), you'll need to include a changeset in your PR.

A changeset is essentially a record of what packages need to be released and how (major, minor, or patch).

  1. Creating a Changeset

    After making your changes in the repository, run the following command at the root:

    yarn changeset

    This command will prompt you to select the packages that have changed, as well as the type of change (major, minor, or patch). It will then generate a .md file in the .changeset directory describing these changes. Include this file in your pull request.


    It shouldn't be necessary to manually edit the changeset file.

  2. Reviewing Changesets in PRs

    Changesets included in pull requests are reviewed as part of the code review process. This ensures that the versioning and changelogs will accurately reflect the changes once merged.

    As a reviewer, be on the lookout for changes in PRs that will require version bumps and ensure they are included when necessary.

  3. Releasing Changes

    Our release process is automated through GitHub Actions and utilizes the custom release script defined in our scripts directory. This process includes building the project, publishing updated packages to npm, and pushing tags to the repository.

    The yarn release command executes the steps defined in scripts/release.mjs, handling the complexities of building, publishing, and updating the repository accordingly.

Important Considerations

  • Ensure you run yarn changeset after making your changes but before creating your pull request.
  • For a detailed explanation of the impact of your changes (major, minor, or patch), refer to Semantic Versioning.
  • The configuration for changesets can be found in .changeset/config.json. This configuration controls aspects like which branches are used for releases, commit messages, and more.

By adhering to these guidelines and utilizing changesets, you help maintain the project's versioning integrity and contribute to the clear documentation of changes across releases.