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This is a component that renders a screen. It is used to wrap your entire screen, and handles scrolling, safe areas insets, and keyboard avoiding behavior.

<Screen preset="scroll">{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>



As the Screen component is a top level wrapper component, it is expected that you will pass in your screen's content as children.

<Screen preset="scroll">{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>


The style prop is an optional StyleProp<ViewStyle> object that applies to the outer content View component. This is useful for applying styles such as margin and padding.

<Screen style={{ padding: 10 }}>{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>


The contentContainerStyle prop is an optional StyleProp<ViewStyle> object that applies to the inner content View component that wraps the children. This is useful for applying styles to the innermost component, such as margin and padding.

<Screen contentContainerStyle={{ margin: 10 }}>{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>


The safeAreaEdges prop is an an array of SafeAreaEdges that determines which edges of the screen should be considered safe areas. This is useful for handling the notch on iPhone X and other devices. Usage of this prop depends on how the Screen is used. If you have a Header above the screen, the "top" Edge can be omitted. If you have a TabBar, the "bottom" edge can be omitted. In other cases, a value of ["top", "bottom"] is recommended. The default value is undefined.

<Screen safeAreaEdges={["top", "bottom"]}>{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>


The backgroundColor prop is an optional string that determines the background color of the outer wrapper component. The default value is colors.background.

<Screen backgroundColor="red">{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>


The statusBarStyle prop is a prop that determines the style of the status bar. It can be either "light" or "dark". The default value is "dark".

<Screen statusBarStyle="light">{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>


The keyboardOffset prop is an optional number that determines the offset of the keyboard when it is shown. It is passed to the keyboardVerticalOffset of the KeyboardAvoidingView. The default value is 0.

<Screen keyboardOffset={10}>{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>


The StatusBarProps prop is an object that is passed as props to the expo-status-bar StatusBar component.

<Screen StatusBarProps={{ animated: false }}>{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>


The KeyboardAvoidingViewProps prop is an object that is passed as props to the KeyboardAvoidingView.

<Screen KeyboardAvoidingViewProps={{ behavior: "padding" }}>{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>


The preset prop is an optional enum that applies to the outer KeyboardAvoidingView component. The predefined presets with ignite deal with different use cases for scroll behavior and keyboard avoiding behavior. It defaults to scroll behavior if not set.

The predefined presets are:

  • scroll - A preset that applies a scroll behavior to the screen. This is useful for forms or other screens which require a keyboard.
  • fixed - A preset that applies a fixed behavior to the screen. i.e. The screen will not scroll. This is useful if you have a component such as a FlashList that has its own scrolling behavior.
  • auto - A preset that applies an automatic behavior to the screen. i.e. The screen will scroll if the content is larger than the screen, but not otherwise.
<Screen preset="scroll">{/* ... content here ... */}</Screen>


The keyboardShouldPersistTaps optional prop is a enum that determines if the keyboard should persist taps. It defaults to "handled". This only applies for the scroll preset, because it is passed into the React Native ScrollView component under its keyboardShouldPersistTaps prop.

The valid values for this prop are: "handled", "always",and "never".

<Screen preset="scroll" keyboardShouldPersistTaps="never">
{/* ... content here ... */}


The ScrollViewProps prop is an object that is passed as props to the React Native ScrollView component. This only applies for the scroll preset.

<Screen preset="scroll" ScrollViewProps={{ contentContainerStyle: { padding: 10 } }}>
{/* ... content here ... */}


The scrollEnabledToggleThreshold prop is an optional number that determines the threshold at which the scrollEnabled prop of the ScrollView is toggled. This only applies for the auto preset. The default value is { percent: 0.92 }. You can pass a point value in lieu of a percentage, e.g. { point: 100 } will enable scrolling when the scroll view height is less than 100 points larger than the scroll view content height.

<Screen preset="scroll" scrollEnabledToggleThreshold={{ percent: 0.95 }}>
{/* ... content here ... */}