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Ignite's TextField Component is an enhanced version of the built-in React Native TextInput component. It consists of TextInput and a Text(./ label.

With this component you will be able to standardise TextInput component across your app.


import { TextField } from '../components';

const [input, setInput] = useState("")
onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)}
labelTxOptions={{ name: "John" }}
LabelTextProps={{ style: { color: "#FFFFFF" } }}
placeholder="John Doe"
placeholderTxOptions={{ name: "John" }}
helper="Enter your name"
helperTxOptions={{ name: "John" }}
HelperTextProps={{ style: { color: "#FFFFFF" } }}
style={{ backgroundColor: "#BFBFBF" }}
containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#BFBFBF" }}
inputWrapperStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#BFBFBF" }}
RightAccessory={() => <Icon icon="check" />}
LeftAccessory={() => <Icon icon="bell" />}


The TextField component accepts all the props of the built-in React Native TextInput component which will be forwarded to the TextInput component, as well as the following props:


The status prop is used to set an 'error' or 'disabled' state on the component. The default value is null. You can use it to show an error style for validations or to disable the component. By default the 'error' status will set the borderColor on the input wrapper to whatever colors.error is set to. Setting the status to 'disabled' will disable editing on the TextInput component.

<TextField value={input} onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)} status="error" />


The label optional prop is a string that is used to set the label. If this is not set, the labelTx prop must be present to set the label. If both are set, the label value will be used.

<TextField value={input} onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)} label="Name" />


The labelTx optional prop is the string key used to look up the translated text for the user's locale. Ignite uses i18next for internationalization. If this is not set, the label prop must be present to set the label. If both are set, the label value will be used.

<TextField value={input} onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)} labelTx="" />


The labelTxOptions is an optional prop that is used to pass props to the translation lookup for the header title. This is useful if you need to pass in dynamic values to the translation.

labelTxOptions={{ name: "John" }}
onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)}


The LabelTextProps is an optional prop that is used to pass props to the Text component that renders the label.

onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)}
LabelTextProps={{ style: { color: "red" } }}


The helper optional prop is a string that is used to set the helper text. If this is not set, the helperTx prop must be present to set the helper text. If both are set, the helper value will be used. The helper text is rendered with a Text component.

<TextField value={input} onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)} helper="This is a helper text" />


The helperTx optional prop is the string key used to look up the translated text for the user's locale. Ignite uses i18next for internationalization. If this is not set, the helper prop must be present to set the helper text. If both are set, the helper value will be used.

<TextField value={input} onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)} helperTx="" />


The helperTxOptions is an optional prop that is used to pass props to the translation lookup for the helper text. This is useful if you need to pass in dynamic values to the translation.

helperTxOptions={{ name: "John" }}
onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)}


The HelperTextProps is an optional prop that is used to pass props to the Text component that renders the helper text.

onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)}
HelperTextProps={{ style: { color: "red" } }}


The placeholder optional prop is a string that is used to set the placeholder. If this is not set, the placeholderTx prop must be present to set the placeholder. If both are set, the placeholder value will be used.

<TextField value={input} onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)} placeholder="Name" />


The placeholderTx optional prop is the string key used to look up the translated text for the user's locale. Ignite uses i18next for internationalization. If this is not set, the placeholder prop must be present to set the placeholder. If both are set, the placeholder value will be used.

<TextField value={input} onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)} placeholderTx="" />


The placeholderTxOptions is an optional prop that is used to pass props to the translation lookup for the placeholder text. This is useful if you need to pass in dynamic values to the translation.

<TextField value={input} onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)} />


The style optional prop is an object used to override the input style.

onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)}
style={{ backgroundColor: "red" }}


The containerStyle optional prop is an object used to override the container style.

onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)}
containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: "red" }}


The inputWrapperStyle optional prop is an object used to override the input wrapper style.

onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)}
inputWrapperStyle={{ backgroundColor: "red" }}

RightAccessory and LeftAccessory

The RightAccessory and LeftAccessory optional props are components that are rendered on the right and left sides of the input, respectively. This is useful for rendering icons or buttons. The status, multiline from the TextInputProps, editable (negation of disabled status), and a default style attribute are passed into it via props for custom usage.

onChangeText={(value) => setInput(value)}
RightAccessory={(props) => (
// props has `multiline`, `status`, `disabled`, and `style` attributes
{disabled, status} = props

if (!!disabled) return <Icon icon="lock" color="gray" />
if (status === 'error') return <Icon icon="x" color="red" />

return <Icon icon="check" color="green" />

It's also recommended to use useMemo on accessories to prevent flickering, as without useMemo they will rerender whenever the input value changes.

const PasswordRightAccessory = useMemo(
() =>
function PasswordRightAccessory(props: TextFieldAccessoryProps) {
return (
icon={isAuthPasswordHidden ? "view" : "hidden"}
onPress={() => setIsAuthPasswordHidden(!isAuthPasswordHidden)}

This could then be passed to the TextField component directly.

onChangeText={(value) => setPassword(password)}